When viewing the site on a phone in portrait mode the alignment of the menu toggle and the menu hide button seems fine but when viewed in portrait mode on an iPad the menu hide button is offset from the menu toggle and it doesn’t look very good. Is there a way to fix this so that it looks good on both?
Thank You.
Hey D5WDesignGroup!
Try adding this to your custom CSS.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
#advanced_menu_toggle:before { position: relative; top: 10px; }
You may need to play around with the 767 value so it only targets the screen width your using.
Unfortunately that didnt work. I managed to find a workaround though but it is not ideal. Is it possible to only show the menu_hide and not the mneu_toggle as well when the mobile menu drops down?
Looks like you added some css modifications which breaks the default alignment of the mobile menu toggles.
#advanced_menu_hide {
left: 83%;
top: 40px;
line-height: 47px;
width: 47px;
Can you please remove all css modifications regarding the mobile menu? We’ll check it afterwards.
Best regards,