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  • #353259

    The main enfold menu is shifting “moving itself” and showing up down the right side of the page.


    Hi marinamcdonagh!

    You are currently using a very old version of Enfold. Please update Enfold to the latest version 3.0.2 via FTP and make sure to overwrite all files – http://vimeo.com/67209750 and update WordPress to 4.0 as well



    I actually was using v 3.0 and I just now updated to 3.0.2 I am also running WP 4.0 ( and have been ). I originally built the site on a much older version of Enfold, but I made an update in September 2014 to remedy some other theme issues.

    The issue is resolved on Firefox, but NOT on Safari.
    Can you please help me to get this resolved. My client is getting frustrated.

    Thank you!



    I’m sorry but the site ( http://presentperfectco.com/solutions) is still using an old version of the theme, 2.4.2. Please download the latest version 3.0.2 from your themeforest account then update the theme via FTP. Please refer to this link for more info: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/

    The update might alter some options so you have to adjust them or configure them from scratch. Please make sure that you update the theme every time a new patch is available.


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