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  • #352566

    I am trying to do something similar to this page:
    with the transparent white box overlays. What is the easiest way to
    do this in enfold – do I need to make an ID and then set the transparency
    in quick css or is there some other element ir setting? I am also wanting to be
    able to have transparent text boxes on top of a color section background, not just
    like here with the page background image, if that makes sense.



    Hey Munford!

    You would have to do it in CSS. You can set a body background in Dashboard > Enfold > General Styling > Body background.

    To start off with try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .main_color, .main_color .site-background, .main_color .first-quote, .main_color .related_image_wrap, .main_color .gravatar img .main_color .hr_content, .main_color .news-thumb, .main_color .post-format-icon, .main_color .ajax_controlls a, .main_color .tweet-text.avatar_no, .main_color .toggler, .main_color .toggler.activeTitle:hover, .main_color #js_sort_items, .main_color.inner-entry, .main_color .grid-entry-title, .main_color .related-format-icon, .grid-entry .main_color .avia-arrow, .main_color .avia-gallery-big, .main_color .avia-gallery-big, .main_color .avia-gallery img, .main_color .grid-content, .main_color .av-share-box ul, #top .main_color .av-related-style-full .related-format-icon, .main_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a:hover, .main_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination .current, .main_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination a { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5) !important; }

    And then send us a link so we can take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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