Since I updated the theme to the latest version, the Layer Slider Builder is not running properly. If I go into a slide, only the last layer options panel is open, and if I click on another layer in order to open its options, nothing, happens… The most of the options are not working, if I click on them, nothing happens again…
How can I solve this?
Hey mrperibanez!
Make sure WordPress and the theme are updated and then deactivate all plugins. If your still seeing the problem then send us a WordPress login and set your reply as private and we’ll take a look.
Your sliders are working fine for me except for the second slider with ID #1, “Enfold – most beautiful theme ever”, which your getting some javascript errors there. I’m not sure why, something must have gotten corrupted in the slide settings.
I think deleting that slider and creating a new one should fix the errors but if your still getting errors when saving then let us know which options your changing so we can try and reproduce the problem.
Ups, sorry, I didn’t notice it was only on that slider.
Thanks for your help.