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  • #348825


    Thank you for all your help – excellent!!! I have a question about adding a link and border to the round photos in the testimonials?


    Hi amester55!

    Try opening up /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/testimonials.php and find line 366.

    if($src)	$avatar  = "<div class='avia-testimonial-image' $markup>".wp_get_attachment_image( $src , $avatar_size , false, array('alt'=>esc_attr(strip_tags($name))))."</div>";

    Try changing it to this.

    if($src)	$avatar  = "<a href = '".$link."'><div class='avia-testimonial-image' $markup>".wp_get_attachment_image( $src , $avatar_size , false, array('alt'=>esc_attr(strip_tags($name))))."</div></a>";

    And then add this to your custom CSS for the border.

    .avia-testimonial-image img { border: 5px solid red !important; }

    Best regards,

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