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  • #347843


    Let me explain the situation before the question:
    The hosting structure:
    public_html (this folder is the root)
    –>index.php (the coming soon page)
    –>enfold_folder (where WP enfold is storage)

    I would like to change the default page public_html/index.php (coming soon page) to the public_html/enfold_folder/index.php.

    I create a htaccess file and uploaded it to the root: public_html with this:
    DirectoryIndex wpnew/index.php

    And it works! but when I clicked to another page inside, per example, services, it only show a blank directory.

    How Can I set-up the default WP enfold page?

    Thank you for your help!



    You have to use WP and go to settings and select which page you want as your home page. And then under Enfold Theme Options, select the page you want as your home page.


    Thank you but my question is not about how to set up the home page of the WP , my question is how to re-direct the default page through the hosting folders….



    Please try this plugin out,


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