How can I replace the class-framework-widget.php with a new one in child theme’s folder? Currently it is in framework/php/ folder. Or is there another way to edit the code of the enfold’s widgets?
In this case what you need to do is re-create the classes/functions found in that file, every class/function is prefixeed by this if statement:
if (!class_exists('avia_fb_likebox'))
So you just need to define a class with the same name in your child functions.php file, like:
class avia_fb_likebox extends WP_Widget {
Hmm I think I not understand it. Hmm is it possible to copy the Framework ” class-framework-widgets.php ” to the child theme and register it?
I tried your example. And copied it in my functions.php
class avia_newsbox extends WP_Widget {
echo image;
But I get errors. Can you be a little bit mor porecise how to change a function in the framework?
I want to remove the images in the sidebar of the avia_newsbox widget
Try including the preceding conditional too:
if (!class_exists('avia_newsbox')){