Tagged: avia forms, string translation, wpml
I’ve got about 12 forms created with Avia Layout Builder, one in each portfolio item on English pages.
When creating these portfolio items in a secondary language they retain their English in Form Title and all field labels.
Translated .po files are in place for both Enfold and WP and they work properly for all strings, except the ALB forms.
I also have WPML String Translation but it does not bring up the ALB form strings.
Is there a way to have the ALB form strings translatable in String translation or in .po?
Thank you
No, you need to translate the form field captions manually. Click the “Translate independently” button on the editor page, then click on the “Contact Form” element and edit the contact form fields to translate the field captions.
I see
why are these stings not translatable via WPML as all other strings are?
Because the captions are not hardcoded text strings but shortcode values. The contact form is generated with a shortcode and if the shortcode contains the English captions (because you just duplicated the content from the English page) the po/mo translation will not be used.