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  • #324865

    Hi everybody,

    Working on a project, I have been asked to displace the woocommercevariations and add to cart” block.
    I should have a first block containing an image, a second one containing variations (choices) and add to cart, and then a third block containing my product description ect…
    I made a (wonderful and I guess incomprehensible) drawing to show you what I need :

    I made research on that, and tried to edit woocommerce templates.
    I tried to edit “single-product.php“, moving <php?> blocks inside (depending on the order I want the blocks to appear on my page), placing this file on my /wp-content/themes/enfold-child/woocommerce/template, but the presumed changes don’t appear…

    Then I realised that Enfold already contain a “config-woocommerce” folder, with a config.php file.
    I guess I have to make my changes in this file, that visibly overwrite the “original” woocommerce templates, but I can’t find what I want in it, I’m a begginer with PHP !
    I have been searching for an entire day, et I’m asking myself if I’m not doing something wrong..? I’m not even sure to completely understand how these php templates work…

    Any ideas for me ?
    Thanks !

    p.s : excuse my bad english, I’m french !
    Here are some informations that could be usefull :
    – WordPress : 4.0
    – Enfold parent : 2.9.2
    Woocommerce : 2.2.4
    – Hosting : 1&

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by wipple.

    Nobody ? I have been searching for 2 days now, and I have a deadline …

    Thanks a lot :/



    Unfortunately customization is outside of the scope of what we cover via support. We do however actually have a post on our online documentation to get you started on customizing the single product page here:


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