Tagged: Fonts
Hi. I’m using Open Sans font on my entire website.
Unfortunately, on some computers (including my client’s computer) the font is missing polish national characters – they get substituted by squares or by glyphs from another font:
It seems that the problem occurs, when someone already has the font installed on their computer, but some version which is missing the polish characters.
How can I fix this? Is there any way to force the browser to use the webfont?
I’m not noting the issue but try adding this at the very end of your theme / child theme functions.php file:
function add_subset_func($fontlist) {
$fontlist .= "&subset=latin,latin-ext";
return $fontlist;
add_filter('avf_google_fontlist', 'add_subset_func');
Thanks for your reply!
I’ve modified functions.php, as you suggested, but the problem still occurs:(
Do you have any other ideas?
I’m able to reproduce that problem on my computer by installing the limited version (lacking the latin-ext subset) of the font in my system (windows 7):
With the .ttf file installed in C:\Windows\Fonts directory, some browsers seem to prefer it over the webfont provided in css. As you can see the header is not displayed correctly in IE and Firefox:
Yes, same problem on jsbin.
IE: http://oi58.tinypic.com/2uogpph.jpg
Firefox: http://oi57.tinypic.com/j0iqgl.jpg
Best regards,
Hey Bogus!
The problem is with Open Sans then, try using a font that ensures full functionality with Polish characters.