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  • #311500

    Hi All,

    This is an urgent one. I need to get this site done today fingers crossed, we are way behind in our launch. And I can’t get this site published online without this fixed. I would like to change the text sign-up fee in Enfold and Woocommerce Subscription to something else. The text is too misleading its killing our subscription launch. Can you tell me how I can change this text. Is it possible to change the text for individual subscriptions or is it all or nuffen? I am very green to this and I need some step by step instructions.

    Kind Regards,



    Hi oriche!

    Can you please post the link to your website and point out “sign-up fee” text?



    Hi Yigit,

    Thansk for your help. I got it fixed now, However you can help me with one thing. How do make a link that opens the page which lets a user creat a user acount on enfold or woo commerce . I am not sure where the usre account is made meaning on enfold or woo so they can but stuff?




    When you installed WooCommerce, did you not install WooCommerce pages?
    You can use WooCommerce shortcodes to create user account pages –



    I am not sure I just installed the one from their site. Is the woo commerce pages a seperate item? Thanks for the info



    After activating WooCommerce, it asks if you would like to install WooCommerce pages. You can use shortcodes i posted in my previous post to create any page you like

    Best regards,


    OH yes I did say Yes to that question. I just though you had to to activae the product. Cool I will try what you have suggested and see how it works thanks again.



    Please try and let us know so we can mark this thread as resolved or assist you further



    OK will do before the end of the day. thanks Yigit



    Ok, I’ll leave this thread open.


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