Tagged: CONTACT FORM, content slider, newsletter
Hello, I have three issues:
1. contact form doesn’t send emails with messages to my email address. It sends only emails to my customers address. Could you help me? Everything works properly with my old theme…
2. I cannot present a content slider on my home page. It appears correctly after login but if I log out it disappears… Strange.
3. also newsletter registration doesn’t work. It uses Mailchimp plugin.
I think that 1 and 3 issue are connected and have the same solution.
Hey digideo!
Are you using the themes contact form/form builder or a third party plugin?
For the home page slideshow, what do you have setup on that pages layout builder? Generally this is due to a plugin causing a conflict with the visible page vs what is shown live so you can also try deactivating plugins and see if that helps.
Best regards,