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  • #305075

    Have the partner logo element working as a slider. One question: the image caption that appears on hover: how can you move that over the image to the bottom of the image, and can the overlay be full width to the image?


    Hey blankonblank!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Unfortunately, there’s no option for that but you can apply a top margin in order to push the tooltip downwards. Use this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    .avia-tooltip {
    margin-top: 200px;



    I had wanted to do the same thing, but move the popup tip to the center of the logo.

    Successfully did so by setting margin-top to 100px, but there’s a problem: When you mouse over the tooltip itself (vs. the logo) it flashes/resets. Not normally noticeable because the tooltip is in a different place than the logo. But when you’ve got the tooltip appearing over the logo, where your mouse is, it continually resets for as long as your mouse is over the tooltip. Made a quick screen capture:

    Is there a way to make it so the tooltip does not flash/reset when you mouse over the tooltip itself?

    (access to sandbox page where this is happening is in private content)

    – Greg


    Hi Greg!

    Can you please firstly update Enfold to the latest version 3.7.1 – If that does not help, please try de-activating all active plugins

    Best regards,


    I updated my theme to 3.71, also updated every single plugin, also tried deactivating them. Behavior persisted. I’ve added wordpress admin deets to private info.



    It tends to happen because the tooltip is set display if the mouse pointer is over the target image and hide or go away once the mouse pointer leave the target. By bringing the tooltip over the image, it creates a sort of confusion because once you hover over the target image and the tooltip animates and move under the mouse pointer, the script reads it as if the mouse pointer leaves the target image so the tooltip has to move or hide away, bringing the mouse pointer again over the target image which then forces the tooltip to show up, creating a loop.

    One workaround is to use the Image element and then add the current tooltip content as caption.

    Best regards,

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