Tagged: LayerSlider
A complete fresh install, of wordpress and a re-downloaded copy from ThemeForest and it results two errors when accessing the layerslider option.
[Error] ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: newMediaUploader
openMediaLibrary (admin.js, line 893)
(anonymous function) (admin.js, line 2653)
l (load-scripts.php, line 2)
fireWith (load-scripts.php, line 2)
ready (load-scripts.php, line 2)
A (load-scripts.php, line 2)
[Error] TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not an object (evaluating ‘height.indexOf’)
generatePreview (admin.js, line 649)
(anonymous function) (admin.js, line 2649)
dispatch (load-scripts.php, line 2)
u (load-scripts.php, line 2)
Hi ryangough!
Please try re-updating the theme via FTP – http://vimeo.com/67209750
Best regards,
Hi, Thanks for the reply.
I have tried this, the errors are still appearing.
Can you please try deactivating all active plugins and check if that helps?
Best regards,
I have no plugins activated. It’s a very bare minimum site.
Can you try re-installing WordPress as well?
Are you using WordPress version 3.9.2 and Enfold version 2.9.1?
It’s a fresh install from directly the wordpress site and themeforest.
I can confirm it works on my webserver, but not my local webserver, where it has been working in all previous versions. Maybe this is a LayerSlider problem rather than a theme issue