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  • #304843

    Is there any way to get a higher quality withouth so much blocking in the video slider?

    Videos are streamed over Vimeo (Full-HD available)


    Hey Viramedia!

    Unfortunately the mediaelements.js player which comes with wordpress and which we use for the slideshow videos does not support the quality parameter by default. However you can try to activate the “Always play my videos in HD, when possible” option like described here:



    Hi Dude
    I have changed the settings on vimeo, so that all videos will be played in HD… this should help

    but one issue is still there in the video slider. It makes a pan & scan of the videos… instead of showing the full with of 1920px (scaled to the display size), it makes a pan crop of the video showing only a smaller part of it…

    you can easily see the difference betwenn the slider

    and the original (wathc in fullscreen to compare)

    Can this be fixed?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Viramedia.


    That can not be as its needed to create the fullsreen effect. The theme needs to be able to crop and overlap the site elements depending on the screen size so that it always appears edge to edge.



    ok how can I change this so that I have better quality withouth cropping… is there no way that the height of the slider can be adjusted, so that there is no need to crop the video?


    You would need to use a different display of the video. In order for it to be fullscreen it must be able to hide some of the edges for all the various screen sizes.


    Yes but does it not make sense, that it checks the screen resolution first bevor it cuts so many parts away? Or why not keeping the video allways fullscreen in the lenght?


    You can use a regular video added into a page with a non fullscreen slideshow option and it will play like ‘normal’ but in this instance Kriesi has it setup in this way so its always fullscreen.


    sorry but you don’t get me
    full screen is fine, but I wish better quality and not a crop of the video… I want the video in fullscreen with full width 1920 px and not cropped down to 1500px


    Every single users screen is a different size. To make the video background show on every single users screen as a full size, full screen element it needs to stretch beyond the edges of the screen.

    On my monitor for instance I see the video so that its stretched and full screen and to do this it MUST also hide part of the video:


    Direct video link:

    If you want to show the video with black bars on the sides so that its scaled and not fullscreen you would need to use another slideshow. The fullscreen slider must hide parts of the video so that its fullscreen for all users.


    Devin, I understand this….
    but why not cutting parts on the top & bottom, so that you can always keep full width… Cause it does not make sense that a video is cuttet on a screen that can handle the resolution.

    Im fine if its cutted on an iPad or something similar, but it shouldn on standard computers…

    or, why not activate for the slider a 16:9 mode, so that the videos are always shown in full resolution & not cropped.

    the point is, that the slider fits alwys the bottom of the browser size… but not the content size… I would prefer that it fits the content size… or a checkerbox where you can select different modes…

    cause in this case the quality drops a lot…


    I’m sorry but that isn’t the way it works as I’ve tried to explain. If you want it to work any other way you would need to use a different slideshow or have a freelance developer customize the current implementation for you.


    Would you be so kind to discuss in your team if this could be improved? Cause I really like enfold, but the video quality on the slider is much worser than solutions on other themes…

    I beleive this would increase the value of enfold a lot if videos can be run in fullscreen (maybe also behind the header) in best quality…



    Please add this on Quick CSS or custom.css to somehow decrease the cut off areas of the video:

    #top .avia-fullscreen-slider .av-video-slide.av-video-service-vimeo iframe {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1);
    -moz-transform: scale(1);
    -ms-transform: scale(1);
    transform: scale(1);



    @Viramedia – I think what Ismael posted might be what you are looking for. Make sure to add it in and give it a try.


    sounds very good… thanks a lot for helping, I will try the changes ASAP.

    btw. I was wondering… since Enfold new features support now transparent header, does the video slider also work behind the header?



    btw I tried to activate the transparent header on the home website… but it seems not to work

    any help how this could be achieved?



    Transparent header + video is working on my end –



    Thanks works well now also at my site…

    one question, is there any way to get the header semi transparent, like 90%?



    Hey Igor!

    Try the Glassy header option.



    Hi Josue
    Already did & it work…. but I would like to have it semitransparent, not completely transparent…

    or are you meaning something different?


    Hello Igor,

    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    #top .av_header_glassy.av_header_transparency .header_bg {
        opacity: 0.6;



    looks great, thanks a lot

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