Hey paulrus!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Do you mind if we take a look at the actual website? Please try to deactivate all plugins, see it the lightbox works after.
I’m not sure why, the URL didn’t show up when I posted it.
I’ll try it that way & see if it shows up.
I think a cache plugin adds query parameters to the images and this breaks the lightbox feature. Make sure the image urls end with a valid image extension like jpg, png, jpeg, gif, etc. and not like here: http://japancast.net/JC2/product/plush-totoro-backpack/ ( http://japancast.net/JC2/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Totoro_Plush_Backpack_original-450×450.jpg?55b610 ) with ?55b610. The query parameter is also completely unnecessary because cache busting only makes sense for css/js files which might be affected code changes (theme updates or if you customize them).
Best regards,