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  • #294226

    I have 2 question:
    1-sidebar on home page
    I would like to add right sidebar on the home page I choose a sidebar on the page :
    and my sidebar appear at the bottom
    look at the page:
    any idea?

    2- My client want to display the main slider above the menu like this:
    I open the helper-main-menu in the child theme and add this line :

    if( is_front_page())

    layerslider(3); —> not working (option 1)
    do_shortcode(‘[layerslider id=”3″]’); —> not working (option 2)

    any idea why two line don’t display me my slider?


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by comecdev.

    to 1 : the color-section is especialy for that case to have a 100% width (screen-width) above. So you have choosen both sections in a color-section.
    Try to put your content in a 1/1 Layout Element. Than it will work i supose.


    so my next question to me is – why did you do that?
    And this question leads me to another question. it wood be nice to give a class to every segment (1/1, 1/2 etc.) so than it is possible to give it a custom background-color f.e.
    i like the opportunity (adding add_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_css'); to functions.php) to give every layout element a custom class. If there was a button on those layout elements to put in only a custom class this will be brilliant.


    I did the first answer for question number 1- work fine thx
    but I did not understand at all the second answer can u explain it to me – about slider above menu – shortcode



    Thank you for using the theme.

    : Thank you so much for helping! :)

    : I fixed the code and you should place it on header.php file, find this code on line 65:

    <div id='wrap_all'>

    Below, add this code:

        if( is_front_page())
        echo do_shortcode('[layerslider id="3"]');


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