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  • #293327


    I would like to create a second SOCKET container for 2-3 lines of DISCLAIMER text, but I notice if I try to add in existing socket, that the added lines of text push down the socket menu. I would like the copyright text and socket menu to remain on the same line as is, and enter a few lines of disclaimer text below it. Is it possible? Thanks!



    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    #socket .copyright:after {
        content: "Disclaimer Text";
        display: block;



    Thank you! This works but I have 2 issues still:

    1. The footer menu drops below all of the text and I want it to be in alignment with copyright info so the disclaimer test is the last test on the page.

    2. I would like to include an href link in the disclaimer text but when I tried with the above CSS code, it wouldn’t work.

    Any possible way to include a link in the text and also hop the footer menu back to the top socket line?



    Open up footer.php and insert your disclaimer code/text below this code

                                echo "</nav>";

    I.e. like:

                                echo "</nav>";
    <div class="custom_disclaimer">My disclaimer...</div>

    Maybe we need to re-position the disclaimer div with css but that’s no problem as long as you make sure there’s a custom class or id which enables us to select this div.




    I am curious to know once you add this to the footer.php, how do you adjust the text size of just the disclaimer and center the text so that it is not running from one side to another and is more aligned and centered as the copyright usually is?

    Currently, i have the socket copyright at a certain size. Once i add this text, it becomes the same size as the copyright but i want it smaller.



    Please, @Shiv722 – create a new thread with your details and question – this ticket is too old.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

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