Could I build a custom function on the full width slider that every time a user visits the page, it serves a different image from a bank of several images? No transitions or anything once visited, just a static image. Would this require some sort of IP logging?
Hey samforan!
Thank you for using the theme.
You can use the layer slider. Create different slides then disable the navigation and autorotation. Set the Global Settings > Start with slide option to “random”.
Can I get the import file for the new “transparent header” layer slider? I’m trying to get a similar style, but without navigation/moving images..
I want the same fluid size, and the button on the bottom to progress downward, as well as being able to overlay HTML on top of the image.
Actually, the transparent header demo is not using the layer slider. It is using the fullscreen slider but you can also use the layer slider if you prefer. Enable the transparent header on the Activate Header transparency option under Layout metabox when editing the page.
Best regards,
Okay thanks. Is there any way that I could replicate that functionality in the “Color section” content element? Multiple background, random on refresh?
It is possible, but you are going to need to hire a freelance developer on Envato Studio or Codeable for that kind of customization as it is beyond the scope of support we can provide. You can also request quote from WerkPress.
Okay, didn’t know if it would be that advanced or not. Thanks.