I have been making my site over the last month and when creating tabs on one page it has a bug where it keeps creating a new tab with the same text every time I save. Please view the page below of my website where you can see there is about 10 or 15 of the same tab that has created itself. Where do I go to delete these unwanted Tabs and what is causing this bug?
Thanks in Advance!
You have tons of plugin installed, a total of 27. Maybe one of them is causing the issue. Please try to deactivate them, see if it fixes the issue.
Hey. I have semi-fixed the problem because I just deleted them (but there is still the original bugged one left) and that will stop them re-creating themselves until I start editing those tabs again.
I don’t really want to start deactivating all my plugins while my site is live and besides how will I then know? By trying to delete it after deactivating each plugin? Seems like a big process for a little bug, plus the problem is not happening on any of the other tabs on about 4 other pages.
Isn’t there a place somewhere in the code I could delete that one tab causing the problem?
(PS. How do you know I have 27 plugins installed?)
Hi discosourcedjs,
Its impossible for us to diagnose the issue without getting a copy of your entire site and plugins with how they are all set up. This is why we typically ask that a user deactivates all plugins and then if the problem is solved re-activate theme one by one to find which plugin is causing the issue.
For s2member you can aviod turning it off unless all else is not working but for the others that are non-integral there is most likely a conflict with the theme code causing the issue to keep happening.