Tagged: LayerSlider
I am having issues all of a sudden with Layerslider not working? I have updated the theme to 2.0, install the Jquery updater, etc. Any thoughts? Here is the site I am working on. http://steepanddeepskigear.com/
The other slideshows work fine.
Just checked the console and noted you have a lot of 404 ‘not found’ errors.
That should be the reason why the LayerSlider stopped working, if you don’t know how to open the Console please read this (Chrome).
This is way beyond my capabilities. Seems like they are just sample sliders though?
Yes, most of them are, in the LayerSlider page try emptying the existing sample sliders and create new blank ones.
Seems like that did it, once I deleted the preloaded sliders and made some new ones…weird! Thanks Bro!