When I add a Youtube embedded video using the video Media Element, I can’t customize the player. If I try, it just ends up being a link on the page. If that the link is clicked, it does take you through to the video with the right video theme, but that’s not particularly useful. Here’s an example link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/bRPQmaFQiwM?frameborder=0&iv_load_policy=3&showinfo=0&theme=light (compare this against what shows up as standard: https://www.youtube.com/embed/bRPQmaFQiwM)
Is there a way to use the video Media Element but have it show up with the player customizations like in the URL above?
Hi rkap!
No, the video shortcode doesn’t accept additional parameters at the moment. We use the official wordpress video embed api: http://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds which also doesn’t support any additional parameters. However maybe the wordpress developers will improve the embed api in the future.
Okay, in the meantime I used a code block element to insert the Youtube iframe. It seems to work fine, although not user-friendly. You can mark this one solved.