Hi all,
Please have a look at my website.
Now look on the main slider at the top. Resize the browser to half and notice that the two small images beside the slider is not in line with each other.
Look at this screenshot: http://i42.tinypic.com/2w250uw.png
How do I get it so that it is all perfectly in one line?
Actually this is not possible because the theme just adds a static margin which doesn’t depend on the slider size on the left. If you want to reduce the space (margin) between the images you can insert following code into the quick css field
.avia_image.avia-align-center {
margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
but then the images won’t line up when you view the website in a “fullwidth” browser window. Either way you can’t always align these images with the slideshow on the left.