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  • #28327

    When I install woocommerce in the plug section of wordpress it crashes the CMS and Server Error comes up. I can install the woocommerce plugin when enfold is not selected and it works fine. Once i change the theme to enfold it crashes again.

    I need to get this added in for pay pal payment system.

    Thank you



    Please try to manually upload the plugin on wp-content/plugins folder.

    If you have access to the .htaccess file, add this code:

    php_value upload_max_filesize 50M
    php_value post_max_size 50M
    php_value max_execution_time 500
    php_value max_input_time 500




    I can add the plugin via FTP but when I activate it the whole WordPress back end disappears and I get a screen that says server error. Tried the .htaccess and that did not fix the issue.


    fixed it by adding define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’); to wp-config.php file


    Glad to hear it 2MuchSandwich!

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.



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