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  • #282267


    not sure what has happened but suddenly the footer background image is not showing – and even if i change the footer background color to dark it appears white for half of it.

    any ideas?



    Hey jazbird!

    Tbh I’ve not seen this before. I recommend to deactivate all plugins (maybe a plugin adds the white bar to the footer) and if this doesn’t help try to revert the code modifications.



    Hey jazbird!

    Thank you for visiting the support forum!

    The footer background is there when I checked the website. It is a bit faint but it’s there. This is he applied css snippet for the background color:

    .footer_color {
    background: #f8f8f8 url( top center repeat-x fixed;

    Best regards,


    thanks guys…

    i have just set it to a flat color now because the image doesn’t seem to be working… possibly a clash with the widget.

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