Tagged: yith
Hello everyone.
I had the Vitue theme running before, after installing the Enfold theme, i’m having some problems with the look of the YITH filters.
Please have a look at http://www.filamentworld.de/shop/
For example, the color filter is ordered vertical, and if i select a filter, there is no X to deactivate them again.
Are there any opportunites to edit the sidebar?
I dont understand why there are breaks after every color and every feature…
Best regards,
Hey Robin!
Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:
.yith-wcan li a, .yith-wcan li span, .yith-wcan li small{
float: none !important;
display: inline-block !important;
.yith-wcan-label li, .yith-wcan-color li{
display: inline-block;
Thank you so much Josue!
This has solved the main issues.
You guys really provide an excellend support!