Hi Guys – Sorry for the nebulous title. The portfolio at http://thecaloriemythbook.com/readerresults quickly stops working after clicking around a bit. Please see this video: http://thebailorgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/portfoliobugs.mp4. Any help is appreciated.
Seems like I’ve done what needs to be done on my end as it works as expected initially, but then it seems to get “confused.” Thanks again.
Not sure if this is related to this issue but you have /enfold/enfold/ which is quite unusual and would probably require some rewrites to even get working. Any particular reason you are using such a folder structure? Have you edited any of the theme files?
Hi Nick – We didn’t go out of our way to deploy the theme uniquely…we have not edited any theme files.
Please upgrade to Enfold 2.0 available on your themeforest account and deactivate the plugins, see if it fixes the issue.
Hi Ismael – the upgrade to 2.0 fixed it! You guys rock! thank you