on http://www.musikzentrale.net i am experiencing some strange behavior in the breadcrumbs:
When i visit the Page “Dozenten” (http://www.musikzentrale.net/ueber-uns/dozenten/) and click on our first teacher (Frieder Gottwald), his portfolio entry appears correctly, which is: http://www.musikzentrale.net/musikschule/frieder-gottwald/.
Permalink is okay, see above, but the breadcrumb is – no matter from which page i do come from (e.g. http://www.musikzentrale.net/unterricht/bass/, scroll down and click the same Frieder) leads me to his portfolio entry with the breadcrumb: Sie befinden sich hier: Startseite / Schlagzeug lernen Atzbach / Frieder Gottwald.
The strange part is the expression: “Schlagzeug lernen Atzbach”, which actually is a separate page, having noting to do with the portfolio?
In our other portfolio section (http://www.musikzentrale.net/ueber-uns/musikschulen/) everthing is fine with breadcrums in portfolio items, e.g. http://www.musikzentrale.net/ueber-uns/musikschulen/atzbach/
I have been through the most posts regarding breadcrumb, but did not find anything related to my issue, mixing pages and portfolio entries in breadcrumbs.
So, your help is appreciated ;-)
I go to this page: http://www.musikzentrale.net/unterricht/bass/ then click Frieder. This is what I see on the breadcrumbs and I think it is correct.