Tagged: LayerSlider
Hi guys,
Thanks for all your fast and helpful replies to various q’s sofar.
One thing I would like help with with Enfold is setting up the Layerslider to give a kind of zooming effect.
Had this reply from Kreisi:
“in that case you need so set a start and end point for the sub layer and make sure that the end point animation starts before the slide is switched”
I wondered if you could give some specifi advice?
I understand that the functions that will used are: scale and position.
Can you change the position of an image in-situ, over time, without a fade or transform? How to loop it? And can scaling be done over time?
Any specific info on this would be very gratefully received.
Hi N,
The best advice I can give for setting up things with the LayerSlider is this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY9SxVyugx4
I’ve really not even been able to experiment with all of the possibilities that the LayerSlider provides so a bit of experimentation on your part is going to be needed to try and find the effect you are looking for.