Good Morning,
I am not sure if it is just on my site but when adding a Partner/Logo Block.
If selecting a manual link and specifying a title text – this text will not be updated into the actual title attribute on the page.
Instead the Title attribute for each element in the Partner block is always the title name of the current page regardless of link type selected.
Warm regards
Hi Paul,
Are you using the latest version of Enfold (2.8.1) / WordPress (3.9.1)? have you tried disabling all third-party plugins to see if it gets fixed?
Thanks Josh,
Yeah have latest versions for theme and wp. (I actually get super excitded when i see the themeforrest auto email regarding updates)
I didn’t even think about plugin conflict.
I disabled them all and now any that have manual link selected the titles are working as they should,
however no title is displayed for post/pages/categories etc. (unless manual is selected, then save then change to post/page etc).
Any further thoughts?
Can you please create me an administrator account? post it here as a private reply.
Thank you for the access.
The username and password are invalid. Please check. Regarding the bwp minify, use the default settings then exclude the dynamic and layout css files with this on functions.php:
add_filter('bwp_minify_style_ignore', 'exclude_my_css');
function exclude_my_css($excluded)
$excluded = array('avia-layout', 'avia-dynamic');
return $excluded;
Best regards,