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  • #273449

    Can someone please tell me why the portfolio area is tiling 1 off. If I make it 3 across, it shows 2. If i make it 4, it shows 3…

    It appears there is something off in the theme because looking at the code show sits set to be one_third, however, the inline CSS for each item keeps tiling them down 2×2 instead of 3 across like it should…

    I am using a child theme, but it only has a small modification in the header file…



    Hi Josh!

    Thank you for the link.

    You added a margin on the grid entries. You have to remove it or adjust the size of the 1/3 column layout. Locate then remove this css snippet:

    .grid-sort-container .grid-entry {
    padding: 10px;
    margin: 10px;

    Best regards,


    hey, it’s worked for versions since 2.1 in enfold, and on 2.7… but we updated it to 2.8.1 and it stopped… I don’t remember every doing anything in there, but I left the padding, removed the margin, and we’re working perfectly… thanks for that… we had looked at it in chrome, but it didn’t recalculate until we resorted, then it worked just fine… good eye.



    Glad it worked. If you’re having any issues regarding the theme. Let us know.


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