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  • #273392

    Hi there,
    i wonder if there is a feature to upload one logo image for desktop and one for smart devices – with different sizes/resolutions of course.
    i am having the trouble that the logo, that looks perfect on destop – does overlap with the mobile menu (portrait mode) and get fuzzy while using on smartphone.
    however, i want to keep the responsive mode but wonder if some adjustments can be made while using the page with a smartphone…

    thanks in advance. any suggestion is appreciated…
    my best regards


    Hey Pedro!

    Add this to the theme functions.php:

    function custom_func() {
    	<div id="mobilelogo">
    		<?php echo avia_logo('_MOBILE_LOGO_URL_HERE_', $addition, 'strong', true); ?>
    add_filter('ava_after_main_menu', 'custom_func');

    And this to the Quick CSS:

    #mobilelogo .logo{
    	display: none;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    	#mobilelogo .logo{
    		display: block;
    		display: none;

    Change as needed.


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