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  • #268637


    I am trying to export a XML file of my site for a third part service to do translations services. But he export file don´t have the real html because of the avia builder. I have other option to export the real html to behave with the translation services?



    Hey CloudChoice!

    You can turn on debugging mode to get all the shortcodes. Please see –




    Thanks. But I put the code below in the functions.php but none visible difference. The export xml file continues with the different [av….] [/av…] codes.

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action(‘avia_builder_mode’, “builder_set_debug”);
    function builder_set_debug()
    return “debug”;



    Can you try adding the code below following line in Functions.php

    'bitcoin' 		=> array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue92a'),

    Best regards,



    Well, using this code:

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action(‘avia_builder_mode’, “builder_set_debug”);
    function builder_set_debug()
    return “debug”;
    ‘bitcoin’ => array( ‘font’ =>’entypo-fontello’, ‘icon’ => ‘ue92a’),

    The site becomes down. Not work.



    Did you have some suggestions?




    Personally I recommend to place this code into the child theme functions.php. If you want to place it into the parent theme file (enfold/functions.php search for this code at the very top of the file:

    global $avia_config;

    and replace it with

    global $avia_config;
    add_action("avia_builder_mode", "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug() { return "debug"; }

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the answser. I did that, but I not saw any chnages. Really a don´t know where are the problem.

    I didn´t saw a new field under the Advanced Layout Builder with the live output of the elements as you add them using the drag and drop interface.




    Let me correct my last observation. Ican see a New field after used the code above. BUT the main problem continues. When i export the wordpress files the xml file continuous showing the [avi..]… [/avi] codes and not the pure html code. Any suggestions?



    Thank you for using the theme!

    Pages that are built using the advance layout builder utilize shortcodes so it is normal that you’ll have an xml file with pages built with shortcodes. I’m not sure if it is possible to convert those shortcodes to their actual html form. Please wait for Dude to respond again. I’m sure he will have a better explanation.




    No, you can’t export the advanced template builder templates as pure html templates. It doesn’t make much sense anyway because the shortcode data in the debug field contains the necessary information to translate the pages (text strings, ids of the entries/images, etc.).

    Best regards,



    The problem occours when someone try use some softwares like Trados, to makes computer assisted translation (CAT).
    The same not recognize the [avia] notation resulting in error. I did contact with tree translation agencies and the tree related the same problem.

    Do you have some advice or indication in this case?




    Tbh I’m not familiar with CAT services and all I can say is that it’s currently not possible to export the advanced layout builder templates as html code. This fact probably makes it impossible for you to translate the templates with a CAT services if the CAT software can’t parse shortcode data. I’ll mark this thread for Kriesi though – maybe he can provide some useful hints.

    Best regards,

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