I would like to be able to replace the next and previous arrows in the Advanced Layer Slider with custom .png images. Is this possible? If so where can I swap the images?
Thank You.
The two buttons get this classes respectively:
.ls-nav-prev{ .. }
.ls-nav-next{ .. }
Play around with the CSS properties, like background.
That allows me to style the existing arrows (change the arrow color, arrow background color/images etc.) How can I replace the arrow in the square with a completely different .png?
it’s not a .png
It’s text added with
#top .avia-layerslider .ls-nav-next:before {
content: "";
font-family: 'entypo-fontello';
Sure you set a background and remove the text.
for reference whats possible with css you can see here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp