I’ve tried everything but I can’t seem to be able to remove the footer widget section on my blog and blog posts.
What do I do?
You might actually need to alter the default settings on Enfold > Footer > Default Footer Widgets & Socket Settings > Select “Display only the socket (no footer widgets)” then force the other pages to Display sockets & footer widgets. I’ll tag Kriesi.
Hmm, the footer widget is still there unfortunately.
Further to this, I find no matter which of the 4 options I choose in Default Footer Widgets & Socket Settings, there are no changes to the footer. In addition, there are no footers displayed when I choose a tag.
Probably the problem is that you already saved an individual page setting (post meta value) for all pages. Try to add following code to the bottom of functions.php
add_action( 'admin_init', 'avia_remove_meta');
function avia_remove_meta()
$post_types = array('post','page','portfolio');
$count = 0;
//iterate over each post type
foreach($post_types as $type)
//get all posts of a certain type
$the_query = new WP_Query( array('post_type' => $type, 'posts_per_page'=>-1) );
//check if any post were retrieved
//iterate over each post and check if the post has a gallery key
foreach($the_query->posts as $entry)
//since there might be hundreds of posts make sure php doesnt time out
$success = delete_post_meta($entry->ID, 'footer');
to reset these individual settings. Then load the admin page (can take some time) and remove the code again. Afterwards go to Enfold > Footer > Default Footer Widgets & Socket Settings and select “Display only the socket (no footer widgets)” or any other option.
It worked! Thanks!