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  • #264092

    Hi there!

    Does anybody made some experiences with vouchers in Woocommerce in Enfold theme? There is a discout function for total costs in the basket… I configured it in the following way that a defined an amout (for example 10 Box) who should be deducted from the total amount of the basket if the total sum is higher than for example 100 Box. So it should be shown that only 90 Box has to be payed! Configuration in WooCommerce is pretty simple, but under Enfold it doesn’t work so that no discout is displayed (that means that customer pay the whole sum without discount).
    Do you guys from Kriesi, know about any possibilities, workarrounds or reported bugs in this special issue? I need a solution very soon!!!

    Thank you so much for helping! :-)


    Hi Eric!

    Our theme code doesn’t affect the coupon feature/code in any way and tbh I think it’s a WooCommerce bug which you need to report to the plugin developers: . You can test the coupon feature with another theme (i.e. TwentyThirteen) if you want to make sure that the issue is not caused by the theme.

    Best regards,


    Hey Dude

    Thanx 4 reply! OK, I’ll check that with the Woothemes support! :-)


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