I know one can do “custom links” (anchor links) to “section IDs” on a page, thus allowing a user to “link” or “jump to” a particular section that is “lower” or “higher” down/up on a page.
Let’s say we have “side by side” page content, in 2/2 layout, with a “special heading” at the top of each column. In browser view, the content is “side by side.” In mobile view, the “side by side” content becomes “top/bottom” content, and it would be nice to be able to “anchor link” the content that (is now, in mobile view only) lower on the screen.
1. Is there a way to have 2 different “section IDs” side-by-side on a page? I have only been able to figure out how to get “section IDs” above or below each other on a page.
2. OR, is there any way to set “custom links” (anchor links) to “Special Headings” of a page?
Hi Vifa!
You can set anchor using any link anywhere on the page manually. All it is with raw code is a link with just a # sign before it.Ex:
<a href="#custom">This is some text that is thispage.com/#custom</a>
Best regards,
Thank you, very helpful!