Since we update Enfod to version 2.7, the mobile menu is not displaying anymore for browser under 768px. And instead of the main menu, a white space is left between logo and the slider. How to get mobile menu back and cancel this white space ?
The website is : http://www.casabalthasar.org/
Thank you
Hi cbassist!
Please go to Enfold theme options and activate responsive layout – http://i.imgur.com/wKQZMa8.png
You are currently using fixed layout
Best regards,
Hi Yigit,
We set up the responsive layout. However our logo is to wide for responsive layout, and the menu icon and social media icon go over it on smaller layout. Is there a way to set up a smaller logo only for smaller width browser?
Otherwise, is it possible to keep using fixed layout, but preventing the main menu to disappear on small browser (because i see on Enfold theme options that now it is not possible to deactivate totaly mobile menu) ?
Thank you for your help
Please add following code to Quick CSS as well
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.responsive .logo a, .responsive .logo img {
max-width: 80%;
height: auto !important; }}
Thank you Yigit, it looks much better now.
Have a good day