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  • #25958

    First of all, congratulations on a beautiful theme. My question: is it possible to create icon boxes without the icons? I’m asking since I’d like several text sections / columns to have a dedicated background color. I first tried to use a color section, but unfortunately it doesn’t work with a column layout.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Hi TLinden,

    Not at the moment no but I’ll add the idea to the feature request topic for Enfold.




    I may correct this, but you need some work-around with CSS/HTML. If you enable the debug-feature of Enfold, you’ll get a simple textarea below the builder. So you may add an own wrapper around your iconbox-element having a unique id (or class). This way, you are able to address only the iconboxes in context and give it a simple display:none. A global overwrite will look like this:

    .main_color.iconbox_top .iconbox_icon {display:none;}

    If you wrap some iconboxes with a specific div like .my-boxes, it should look like

    .my-boxes .iconbox_icon {display:none;}

    In case you like to keep the small square box on top, this gets a lil bit nifty. You have to overwrite the selected icon using jQuery. Otherwise you may set the color of the icon to the background itself… ;)

    I’ll have to create a work-around a bit further than that – my customer want’s some own icons (graphical)…. :(

    PS: Adding an empty icon the the typo-listing is also an option – but I’ll leave this to the support team.



    @formateins: Thanks for the tip. I agree with the solution.

    @TLinden: Yes, it is possible. You can do @formateins solution. You’ll have to give us a link to the website with the icon boxes. We will help you remove the icons on that specific page.



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