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  • #259405


    Is it possible to copy an ‘element’ with content from one portfolio item to another?

    I have some ‘standard/basic’ elements such as contact information etc. that I would like to copy to another element instead of creating it again on all items.

    I know that I can save an item as template and I have done that and then I created all 70 portfolio items. BUT now i want to make some changes to a few elements and I need to have these changes to all my 70 items.


    Hey t3lgroup!

    No, not easily unfortunately. The only way you can do that is to enable the debug field on the ALB and then copy out the raw shortcode data and paste it to the other portfolio elements debug fields.

    You just need to be very very precise when doing it because if the fields data gets an error there is no automatic way to fix it. The whole page could potentially need to be remade.

    Best regards,

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