I am having issues with the accordion tabs not working properly. I am fully up to date with theme version 2.7 (I am using a child theme). And I have WordPress 3.9.
The problem is that only a few accordion tabs can be opened, and eventually, they all stop working. At this point, they cannot be opened/closed (sometimes one individual one can be openend/closed, but not the rest) unless the page is refreshed.
You can try it here: http://www.seatosummitworkshops.com/shop/photography-workshops/new-zealand-photography-tour/
Just open several tabs until it stops working.
I am using Windows 7 and Chrome browser and I even tried with all plugins disabled.
Hey Jim!
I couldn’t reproduce the issue on my end (Chrome):
Have you tried testing it from a different computer?
Sorry Josue, it was just me not having the most up to date java for my browser. Thank you anyway. Apologies!
You are welcome, glad we could help :)