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  • #256737

    So we are developing a website for a private school. And every time we try and upload images, several of them are created in different sizes. Any way to turn this off? I did set the sizes under media settings to zero, but they are still being created. Please advise as to how to stop this.


    Hi norrisd!

    The theme and WordPress create multiple thumbnail versions of your images whenever you upload an image. This is so that your users are not forced to load in full sized images just for a small thumbnail or inside of a page.

    While you can remove the function, its not something I would ever suggest to do since file storage isn’t really a concern these days.

    What you would need to do is remove this code from the functions.php to remove the ones the theme creates:

     * Register additional image thumbnail sizes
     * Those thumbnails are generated on image upload!
     * If the size of an array was changed after an image was uploaded you either need to re-upload the image
     * or use the thumbnail regeneration plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
    $avia_config['imgSize']['widget'] 			 	= array('width'=>36,  'height'=>36);						// small preview pics eg sidebar news
    $avia_config['imgSize']['square'] 		 	    = array('width'=>180, 'height'=>180);		                 // small image for blogs
    $avia_config['imgSize']['featured'] 		 	= array('width'=>1500, 'height'=>430 );						// images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider
    $avia_config['imgSize']['featured_large'] 		= array('width'=>1500, 'height'=>630 );						// images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider
    $avia_config['imgSize']['extra_large'] 		 	= array('width'=>1500, 'height'=>1500 , 'crop' => false);	// images for fullscrren slider
    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio'] 		 	= array('width'=>495, 'height'=>400 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
    $avia_config['imgSize']['portfolio_small'] 		= array('width'=>260, 'height'=>185 );						// images for portfolio 4 columns
    $avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] 		 		= array('width'=>710, 'height'=>575 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
    $avia_config['imgSize']['magazine'] 		 	= array('width'=>710, 'height'=>375 );						// images for magazines
    $avia_config['imgSize']['masonry'] 		 		= array('width'=>705, 'height'=>705 , 'crop' => false);		// images for fullscreen masonry
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>710, 'height'=>270);		                 // big images for blog and page entries
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_without_sidebar']= array('width'=>1030, 'height'=>360 );						// images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider
    //overwrite blog and fullwidth image on extra large layouts
    if(avia_get_option('responsive_layout') == "responsive responsive_large")
    	$avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] 		 		= array('width'=>845, 'height'=>684 );					// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
    	$avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>845, 'height'=>321);		            // big images for blog and page entries
    	$avia_config['imgSize']['entry_without_sidebar']= array('width'=>1210, 'height'=>423 );					// images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your help! The only reason I asked is because when we upload images we get an HTTP error message and GoDaddy said, “it’s probably the theme or something with WordPress causing it”
    Do you have any idea as to why this might be happening? Or another suggestion to fix the issue?



    Thank you for the info.

    Do you mind if we take a look at the website? What exactly is the error? Please try to ask your host. We’ll provide you with a proper response once we have taken a look at the website.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Most likely, as much as this isn’t the answer you would want, is that its a GoDaddy server issue. Their budget hosting is unfortunately awful and depending on when you purchased it and when it was set up it could have any number of issues causing the general “http error” when uploading a photo in WordPress.

    You can try asking them how to increase your php memory limit and if its allowed through the wp config file, htaccess or php.ini and if so you can try increase it to 98 or 128m: http://www.dailyblogging.org/wordpress/increase-wordpress-memory-limit/


    My uploads are generating about 17 different image sizes and now I cannot upload anymore images to my website. Is there a maximum amount of images that you can have in you folders? Any advice how I can fix my problem?




    There should not be any limit except for your server space of course, could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    I’m not sure how to add another user to the login but I posted a picture showing the disk usage on this page. I had to delete some images to get it to upload.




    You can go to Users > Add New to add a new user. Please make sure to add it with Administrator role.


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