Tagged: child theme, Post meta info
I followed instructions as per https://kriesi.at/support/topic/remove-blog-post-meta-info to delete some code from file LOOP-INDEX.PHP as I need remove all meta info from posts in all the site. To make this modification using the Child theme could you precise please:
– Should I paste into ENFOLD-CHILD folder only modified LOOP-INDEX.PHP file
– Should I paste into ENFOLD-CHILD folder the whole INCLUDES folder, which will contan that modified LOOP-INDEX.PHP file ?
(I am just afraid that WP will not read it correctly, as in the original Enfold theme the loop-index.php is in folder)
Sorry for that maybe evident question. Kindly Mini2010.
Yes, you need to create the includes folder too. The path must be enfold-child/includes/LOOP-INDEX.PHP. However you just need to create the folder and you don’t need to copy the entire folder content from the parent theme…
Thank you, that small precision that I should NOT copy all files into the INCLUDES folder is very important.