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  • #251960

    I have created more CPT for my website, and I would like to use the Visual Builder on them. I know that to add this, I have to edit the meta.php and add those CPT to the array $boxes. But with every update I have to modify this files.

    Is possible to hook it through the child theme? This is what I have modified in the meta.php

    global $builder;

    /* CUSTOM */
    $boxes = array(
                	array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page','post','distributors','discontinued'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),
                	array( 'title' =>__('Layout','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'layout', 'page'=>array('portfolio', 'page' , 'post','distributors','discontinued'), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low'),
                	array( 'title' =>__('Additional Portfolio Settings','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'preview', 'page'=>array('portfolio','distributors','discontinued'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high' ),
    $boxes = apply_filters('avf_builder_boxes', $boxes);

    Thank you.


    Hi Pedro!

    You can use that filter right below: $boxes = apply_filters('avf_builder_boxes', $boxes);



    That options didn’t worked. Anyways, I found the way how to do it. I post it if somebody need it also:

    function custom_post_types_options($boxes)
    	$boxes[] = array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('custom_post_type1','custom_post_type2','custom_post_type3'), 'context'=>'normal', 'expandable'=>true );
    	$boxes[] = array( 'title' =>__('Layout','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'layout', 'page'=>array('custom_post_type1','custom_post_type2','custom_post_type3'), 'context'=>'side', 'priority'=>'low');
        $boxes[] = array( 'title' =>__('Additional Portfolio Settings','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'preview', 'page'=>array('custom_post_type1','custom_post_type2','custom_post_type3'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high' );
    	return $boxes;

    Replace ‘custom_post_type1′,’custom_post_type2′,’custom_post_type3’ with the name of your own custom post types ;)

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