I have the default WordPress Spanish language, and install the theme enfold me appears in English. How do I get Enfold appears in Spanish?
Thank you.
What site will enfold you force be in Spanish?
Which spanish language version of WordPress do you have installed? You can see all of the available languages for the theme in the themes files. Look in the lang folder for the mo and po files to see if your country code is already present.
Best regards,
I have the same problem.
I have installed the version 4 of spanish language vwordpress. In the lang folder of enfold theme exists mo and po files of my country code, but the enfold theme don’t appear in spanish.
How to resolve this problem?
Thank you for using Enfold.
The only explanation is that the es_ES.mo and es_ES.po file located on the lang folder is not fully translated yet. We only rely on other users to translate the theme. You can use the Codestyling Localization plugin to manually translate the strings.
I understanding it. But the logical says that when display a string not translated display english string but if the string is translated display spanish string and here is not it
Did you mean that you can’t see the english text of the theme options? Please provide a screenshot. If you want us to translate the theme options to spanish, I’m afraid we won’t be able to help you with that. Like I said, use the Codestyling Localization plugin to translate the strings.
Best regards,