Tagged: enfold
Hey guys,
can you please tell me how I can dequeue the css that gets put out from the admin panel styling options.
I believe I found the correct file and line where this is happening. Enfold –> framework –> php –> class-adminpages.php
Here is the code found on line 75
* Print css stylesheets in the framework/css folder to the admin head
function add_styles()
wp_enqueue_style( 'thickbox' );
$files = avia_backend_load_scripts_by_folder( AVIA_CSS );
foreach ( $files as $index => $file )
$file_info = pathinfo($file);
if(isset($file_info['extension']) && $file_info['extension'] == "css")
$filename = basename($file_info['basename'], ".".$file_info['extension']) ;
wp_enqueue_style($filename , AVIA_CSS_URL . $file);
I can’t figure out what name is being put out here wp_enqueue_style($filename , AVIA_CSS_URL . $file);
This is the url to that file mysite.com/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold_child.css?ver=1
I am including this css in my main stylesheet so that I can greatly reduce the number of css files I have.
Please Please Please help me on this one! :)
The dynamic_avia CSS gets enqueued in functions.php, line 303.
Best regards,