Tagged: avia, avia layout builder
Hi guys!
I can’t edit one of my pages? It usually helps to deactivate most of my plugins (weird – but it works in most cases..). But right now, editing all of my pages works, except the one I need to change.. The avia layout builder don’t open at all.. it just keeps ‘buffering’..
What can I do? And why is this happening?
Thanks a lot!
Hey frost2001!
The pages data in the database could have gotten corrupted though there wouldn’t be a way to check or know for sure. We can try taking a look at the page from your backend if you provide login credentials and point us to the specific page. Make sure to set the reply with the login to a private reply so only we can see it.
Thank you for the link.
Can I ask for the authentication password? I’ll ask Josue to check this again.
Hi Karolina!
Could you please provide this auth access?
Hi Karolina!
I’m not sure why is it happening, however i found a quick solution:
I cloned that Page, you can now edit the copy without issues:
From this point you’d just need need to delete the bugged Page (do it from the page list without entering edit mode) and change the permalink. I used a plugin i installed previously that creates a exact clone of a Page, just so you know if it happens again.