Hi! I’m just about ready to launch an awesome site using the enfold theme and lastly, my client wants to know if there is a way I can edit the search function.php (or code somewhere) so I can do a search of inventory on a different site (their back end) which is this:
There must be a way I can edit the function.php so I can just route it to the backend search and use the key words input and do a search like:
http://www.ecinteractive.com/5874/EnhancedSearch.aspx?clear=1&keywords=%5BText From WordPress Search]+%26+[Text From WordPress Search]&newSearch=true
Any suggestions? I would be so deeply appreciated for any help!!!
Thank YOU!!
You could try http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_redirect -to redirect the user to another page. Add the function to the very top of search.php. You can retrieve the user input (search query) with: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/get_search_query