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  • #248558

    Hi there,
    I bought this theme and the site is very fast but when I login to wordpress the backend is extremely slow, it’s so bad that you cannot work with it. I have a clean install with the latest version of WP. I have multiple sites running on my server and none of them are slow except for the one with this theme. Please help me I’m very sad I cannot work with this beautiful theme this way.


    Hi Bertus,

    Can you create an administrator account and post it here as a private reply?


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Bertus!

    You forgot the URL.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    It seems like the slow admin is the delay in the server responding to anything. Even going between dashboard areas took a full minute to get a server response. Once it responded it loaded quickly.

    You can use a plugin like this one to watch what queries are running if you want to dig in a bit deeper http://wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor/

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I have exactly the same problem. The query monitor doesn’t seem to point out what the problem is. Can i assume this is a on going problem that will be fixed soon with some kind of theme update?

    EDIT – query monitor:

    Page generation time:
    201.3% of 30s limit

    Database query time:

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Lucas777lucas.

    Bertus, just a quick question. Do you host your website at Versio?



    I wouldn’t say this is something we have any plans of even addressing in an update. I have the theme installed and running on a dozen or more client sites with no issues like the above. Off hand I still manage sites running Enfold on Media Temple, BlueHost, 1&1 and even GoDaddy (though it is slower than what it should be).

    Every now and then we get a report of something like this but its typically a poor server setup or a shared hosting environment that is too taxed to run the ajax that Enfold uses.



    Hey Devin,

    You’re completely right. I’ve just moved my database to another hosting client and the problem seems to be solved.
    Pretty strange tho because the backend was working properly for over a month and all of a sudden it collapsed.
    Guess the hosting client launched some kind of server update that caused the problem of not being able to load the enfold uses any longer…

    Since I’m also from Holland just like the person who started this thread, Bertus, I’m extremely curious if he’s part of the same web hosting company as me. I’ve addressed my webhosting company about this issue and their respond was that it’s probably a content/config related problem. Now that I’ve successfully tested the same database at an other hosting company it’s clear to me that it’s a failure from their side.

    So the remaining question to Bertus: Are you connected at Versio?

    Thanks and greetings,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Lucas777lucas.

    Thanks for the added information Lucas. I’d love to pinpoint exactly what is causing it for some users so we can politely poke the hosts into keeping it from happening.

    At least there are plenty of hosting providers and migrating with WordPress isn’t too painful.


    Hi Lucas, my website is indeed hosted by versio so I really think that’s the problem. I also installed the theme on mijndomein and everything is ok..



    thanks for the information!

    Best regards,


    Also trying to solve this Bertus and Lucas.

    Customer of Versio like you guys.

    I’ll try to post here if anything changes.



    Sure, let us know!



    Hi there,
    I just talked to versio and they asked me to ask you guys from Enfold if there are any external connections setup within the theme?



    They say now that probably the hosts the theme wants to connect with are blocked by their firewall. If I give the hosts to versio they will unblock the addresses and have a look if that works.. Hope you can respond quickly cause it’s over 2 weeks now that I cannot edit my website..



    Thank you for the update.

    I’m not sure what they mean by “external connection setup” scripts but as far as I know, it doesn’t exist within the theme. Let’s wait for Dude and Kriesi to respond. They can explain this better. You should probably look for another hosts, it does fix the issue with Lucas.




    The only external theme connection is the update check which connects to the envato api server to check for new theme updates. You can deactivate it by removing the Envato API credentials on the theme settings page (Enfold > Theme Options > Update). All other connections (i.e. oembed, rss feeds, etc.) are not theme related but WordPress may use them to embed external sources (youtube videos, etc.).




    Unfortunately i am getting the same issue. I am using the Enfold Theme.
    The website has been running very smoothly and extremely fast up until yesterday.

    I often open more than one table in the back-end (such as several products at a time in order to edit quickly).
    previously i could open about 13 tabs each of a different product to edit in the back-end very quickly and effectively. Unfortunately however since yesterday just one tab lone is VERY sluggish and slow. At first i thought it was a server issue so i contacted my hosting provider and did ALL relevant checks – my server is running at tip-top shape. I pay over $100 a month for my server hosting on a VIP server and as i said before, it was EXTREMELY quick before.

    Last night a task which used to take me 10 minutes has taken me 1 hour – i can’t work like this. I am convinced it is a theme issue and i need it sorted ASAP.

    I looked at previous threads and it seems like people have had this same issue in the past but there has been no resolution from Kriesi.




    Please start a new thread, as this is from 2014. Also please don’t post the same question on multiple posts. Thank you for understanding.
    I did a quick check for you and your site loads fine for the content, please see your report: https://www.webpagetest.org/result/170916_SQ_8cdd85de47b48548cad124f2fcebe857/

    Best regards,

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