Tagged: avia, enfold, Layout Editor, WYSIWYG
Hi there,
It’s great that we have such controls and easy to use WYSIWYG with Avia layout builder, but I can’t seem to figure out how to use the 1/5th columns since there are no 2/5th 3/5th 4/5th columns to work with it..
Is there a way I could add those options to Avia?
Let me know..
Hi Erich Nolan!
You would need to create those new elements and add in the php/css to support them. It has been requested quite a few times to add additional support for _/5 options but I’ve not heard from Kriesi if he will be adding them in any time soon.
Hi Devin,
It seems this has been enabled in version 2.7.
Glad to see it :)